March 30, 2005

Born today - Zachary Michael Jones

Zachary Michael Jones
5 pounds 10 ounces
19 inches

To Mike and Jodi Jones
at 10:22 am

Photos of Zach
Zachary Michael 1

Zachary Michael 2

Zachary Michael 3

Zachary Michael 4

Posted Messages

Congratulations, Mike and Jodi! Zach is a beautiful little boy.
Jeff and Mary Beth

Congratulations, Jodi & Mike Zachary is a little cutie Sharon B

Thanks for the new Grandson, Love You
Grandpa & Grandma

You have to be so proud of that little guy. He sure is cute. Jodi get better soon & Mike we hope you get some sleep. Looking forward to seeing him.
Fred & Colleen

Congratulations. Enjoy my little nephew. Heal quickly Jodi. Call me if you need me. I love you guys! From Zachary's favorite Auntie :)
Auntie Vicki

Congrats on your new addition. Best of luck to all of you. (Kathy Timm's Daughter)
Mandy Timm

Congratulations Mike and Jodi!!! Zachary is a beautiful baby. Enjoy every moment for the grow up sooo very fast.
Sam and Jessica Schneider

Congratulations! I can't wait to meet my new cousin. The pictures sure look cute, but what is that thing on his shirt?

The pictures are really cute, and he is even cuter in person. But, Bill thinks he would look better in green and gold. Hope we see you soon.
Chris & Bill

Congratulations--I remember when you were that little Mike--wasn't it just yesterday? Enjoy him every minute because time goes so fast.
JoAnn and Jim

Posted by Jeff at March 30, 2005 10:22 AM